Path_LogoRecently, Williams Consulting has developed innovative cloud technology called Path Data Management System which is an affordable quality Health Planning and Management tool ( We built a platform that is an electronic client and participant-based tracking and data management solution for First Nations Health and Social Service program delivery. The PathDMS is customized to specifically capture the goals and objectives of each First Nation or Aboriginal organization by linking annual workplans of each user to multi-year workplans and funding lines. It is user-friendly and responsive to the unique reporting requirements of each First Nation and has been so well-received that we are already being asked to add housing and education modules to the software.

Who is it for?

First Nations or Aboriginal organizations who deliver Health and Social Service programming.

What programs can it be used for?

Client and Participant based programming information can be captured for the following:

  • Early Childhood Development (ECD) Programs including: Canadian Prenatal Nutrition Program (CPNP), Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD), Parents & Tots, Aboriginal Health Babies, Healthy Children (AHBHC), Nutrition and Aboriginal Head-Start On-Reserve (AHSOR).

  • Diabetes Programs including: Nutrition, Kitchen, Community Garden, Fitness, Education & Awareness Prevention and Obesity.

  • Wellness Programs including: Mental Health, Substance Abuse, Suicide Prevention, Fitness, Coping and Healthy Relationships.

  • Cultural Programs including: Traditional Programs/Activities, Elders Programs and Language Programs

  • Building Health Communities, such as Health Promotion and Prevention, Building Healthy Relationships and AHWS

  • After School Programs

contact Williams Consulting at: (855) 728-4367