Andrea Jane WilliamsFirst Nation, Project Manager/Senior Analyst
Honours B.A., M.A.
Owner/Project Director / Senior Analyst, First Nation Member
Enhanced Reliability Security Clearance
Andrea Jane Williams has 25 years of experience working with First Nation communities in Ontario, expanding her knowledge in community development, policy development, research, assessment and evaluation with First Nations, Indigenous organizations and programs. In addition, she has worked with Indigenous organizations across the country for more than 15 years. As a result, she has amassed an extensive knowledge of First Nations cultures, communications, languages, histories, and issues.
A member of Sandy Lake First Nation, Ms. Williams has established a network of contacts in First Nation Provincial Territorial Organizations, Independent First Nations for on-reserve and Non-Governmental Organizations for off-reserve interests. Her strengths are in identifying, developing, and nurturing critical stakeholder relationships to encourage integration and coordination of research, performance measures, formative evaluations and impact analysis within a culturally relevant framework.
She has extensive experience in First Nation research, strategic planning, assessment, and evaluation, including project management. She has practical experience working with diverse First Nations communities, delivering programs and developing policy, and understanding the issues they face. Her knowledge and success in this field are now recognized internationally. In 2008, Ms. Williams received an International Award for Excellence for diversity in organizations, communities and nations in a referred process by 300 international universities.
Ms. Williams has subject matter expertise that crosses numerous disciplines including, physical health, mental health, public health, social issues and justice, education, early childhood development, governance, lands and trust and planning. Ms. Williams has a Master’s degree in Canadian and Native Studies and completed two years of her Ph.D. in what is now called Indigenous Studies before responding to the community’s request to continue working in the field rather than pursue further academic accomplishments.
Ms. Williams has demonstrated the ability to lead and conduct a review and analysis of formal and informal research findings. She has experience in analyzing trends, models, and other forms of evidence for effective decision-making. She has extensive experience in facilitation, conducting environmental scanning, issues identification analysis and synthesis of research and other material for the development of outcomes/best practices. Ms. Williams also has experience providing policy and program direction, expertise and advice to First Nations, Indigenous organizations, and the government. She is skilled in identifying information requirements and developing analytical models for databases, testing, monitoring, and tracking mechanisms to support research and evaluation initiatives and emerging priorities.
She has a proven track record for preparing complex briefing notes, reports, position papers and executive summaries within tight deadlines. She is a member of the Canadian Evaluation Society and the Canadian Public Health Association. In 2008, Ms. Williams co-authored a paper with Beverley Jacobs on the Legacy of Residential Schools for Missing and Murdered First Nation Women that was selected as a lead chapter for a publication by the Aboriginal Healing Foundation.
As a person who has taught a course for Indigenous Studies at Trent University, Ms. Williams has extensive knowledge educating individuals regarding historical experiences and current dynamics of Indigenous peoples. Ms. Williams is known for her ability to increase awareness of and bridge different worldviews. She has practical experience working with diverse First Nation communities delivering programs and negotiating self-government, as well as navigating the challenges that can arise. Ms. Williams possesses extensive knowledge and understanding of the complexities and restrictions faced by federal and provincial government employees while undertaking program management. Through her work, she has been successful at increasing awareness of the role different skills, attitudes and beliefs play in the communication and decision-making process. Her experience and success in this field are now recognized internationally. She has worked with community groups, the government, and academics in Northern Ireland to facilitate government engagement of marginalized groups. By promoting increased recognition and respect for different viewpoints, stakeholders have been able to move forward in reaching their shared goals and outcomes.
Ms. Williams has vast training and experience designing and implementing surveys in the First Nation community using validated standards and respecting Indigenous research ethics. She also has advanced training and certification in Predictive Analytics Software (formerly known as SPSS). She is the lead analyst and author of all the reports listed in the experience section in the table under corporate experience.
Harvard University
June 2020 Strengthening Community Health Workers Programs: certificate for completing a course of study offered by HarvardX, an online learning initiative of Harvard University.
May 2020 Improving Global Health: Focusing on Quality and Safety: certificate for completing a course of study offered by HarvardX, an online learning initiative of Harvard University.
Trent University
2001 Completed two years of the Native Studies[1] Ph.D. Program at Trent University.
- Recipient of internal Ontario Graduate Scholarship from Trent University.
Trent University
2000 Graduated with Master’s degree in Canadian and Indigenous Studies Program having written a thesis on Native Education – Sioux Lookout District First Nations Education: Factors Leading to Secondary Student Success.
- Nominated for Trent University’s Governor-General’s Gold Medal…
Trent University
2000 Graduated with Master’s degree in Canadian and Indigenous Studies Program having written a thesis on Native Education – Sioux Lookout District First Nations Education: Factors Leading to Secondary Student Success.
- Nominated for Trent University’s Governor-General’s Gold Medal.
Trent University
1985 Graduated with a Honours Bachelor of Arts Degree in Native Studies with a minor in psychology. A research focus included different models of community development. Nominated for Trent University’s Governor-General’s Gold Medal.
- Recipient of a research grant from the Northern Studies Institute
- Dean’s Academic List – “A” Average
Publications, Papers and Presentations
Peer-reviewed publications:
Andrea J. Williams and Beverley Jacobs (2008). Legacy of Residential Schools: Missing and Murdered Aboriginal Women. Aboriginal Healing Foundation. January 2008.
Andrea J. Williams and Helen Lewis (2007). Sharing the Story: Canadian First Nations and Irish Traveller Community Development. The Seventh International Conference on Diversity in Organisations, Communities and Nations. July 2007.
The following are a sample of completed reports for a ten year period. This list does not include strategic plans, proceedings reports, action plans, community health planning which include pandemic planning (communicable disease emergency planning), and home and community care essential service requirements and so on. These examples are itemized in my work experience.
(2020) Integrated Mental Health and Addictions Strategy and Action Plan. Prepared for Biigtigong Nishnaabeg Mno-zhi-yaawgamig.
(2019) Program and Services Review and Assessment. Prepared for Noojomowin Teg Health Centre.
(2019) Clinical Mentorship Models Discussion Paper: A Resource for the Development of a Clinical Mentorship Program. Prepared for Nishnawbe-Aski Nation
(2019) Vancouver Native Health Society 360 Review. Prepared for the Executive Director and CEO.
(2019) Temagami First Nation Community Health Plan Evaluation. Prepared for Department of Indigenous Services Canada.
(2019) Oneida of the Thames Health Centre Policy and Procedure consolidation.
(2018) National Evaluation of the First Nation and Inuit Component of the Federal Tobacco Control Strategy. A Four-Year Report on the Findings from the Annual Outcome Reporting Process (2014-18). Prepared for First Nations Inuit Health Branch, Health Canada
(2018) National Evaluation of the First Nation and Inuit Component of the Federal Tobacco Control Strategy. A Report on the Findings from the Annual Outcome Reporting Process of The Federal Tobacco Control Strategy. Prepared for First Nations Inuit Health Branch, Health Canada
(2018) First Nations and Inuit Community of Practice. Respecting Tobacco: A Discussion Paper to Inform the Future Federal Tobacco Control in Canada. Prepared for First Nations Inuit Health Branch, Health Canada
(2018) Review of the Health Services Integration Fund – Ontario Region. Prepared for Chiefs of Ontario.
(2018) Northern Inter-Tribal Health Authority (NITHA) Four-Year Review. Prepared for the NITHA Board of Directors
(2017) Ontario First Nations Diabetes Program Review. Prepared for the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care.
(2017) Treasury Board Preamble for Budget 2017 Commitments. Drafted for Chiefs of Ontario Health Coordination Unit.
(2017) National Evaluation of the First Nation and Inuit Component of the Federal Tobacco Control Strategy. A Three-Year Report on the Findings from the Annual Outcome Reporting Process (2014-17). Prepared for First Nations and Inuit Health Branch, Health Canada.
(2017) National Evaluation of the First Nation and Inuit Component of the Federal Tobacco Control Strategy. A Report on the Findings from the Annual Outcome Reporting Process of The Federal Tobacco Control Strategy. Prepared for First Nations and Inuit Health Branch, Health Canada.
(2016) Nipissing First Nation Community Health Plan Evaluation Report for the period 2012-2017. Prepared for Nipissing Health Centre and submitted to First Nations and Inuit Health Branch, Health Canada.
(2016) Indigenous Hospice Palliative Care Planning: Readiness Assessment Report. Prepared for Southwest Ontario Aboriginal Health Access Centre.
(2015) Final Evaluation Report Health Services Integration Fund (HSIF) Integrated Diabetes Care Team (IDCT) Project: A Project with Nipissing First Nation. Prepared for Nipissing Health Centre and submitted to First Nations Inuit Health Branch, Health Canada.
(2015) Three Year Summary Report and Outcomes of HSIF Project Minweyaanigoziwin: An integrated mental health and addiction service delivery model. Iskatewizaagegan # 39 Independent First Nation.
(2015) Evaluation of the Maternal Addictions Continuum of Care HSIF Project. Prepared for Shibogama Tribal Council.
(2015) Aboriginal Patient Journeys, Telling Our Stories. Experiences of Aboriginal People Accessing Healthcare Services in the South West Local Health Integration Network Area. Prepared for the Reference Panel on Aboriginal Health (RePAH), South West Local Health Integration Network (South West LHIN) and the Southwest Ontario Aboriginal Health Access Centre.
(2015) Evaluation of the Grand Council Treaty #3 HSIF Project. Prepared for Grand Council Treaty # 3.
(2014) Temagami First Nation Community Health Plan Evaluation. Prepared for Doreen Potts Health Centre and leadership then submitted to First Nations Inuit Health Branch, Health Canada
(2013) Review of Waasegiizhig Nanaandawe’iyewigamig. Prepared for the Board of Directors.
(2013) Canada World Youth Aboriginal Program Review. Prepared for Canada World Youth.
(2013) Nipissing First Nation Community Health Assessment: Findings for Adults, Youth and Children and Comparative analysis to RHS and Canadian Norms.
(2013) Final Report: Indigenous Young Women: Speaking our Truths, Building our Strengths. Prepared for the Girls Action Foundation.
(2013) Tootinoawaziibeeng Anishinabe Community Health Plan Evaluation Report. Prepared for leadership and submitted to First Nations Inuit Health Branch, Health Canada.
(2011) An Evaluation of the Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds (HBHM) Initiative. Prepared for First Nations Inuit Health Branch, Health Canada.
(2011) A Review of CenteringPregnancy® Pilot Projects in First Nations Communities. Prepared for First Nations Inuit Health Branch, Health Canada.
(2010) Final Technical Report: A Needs Assessment regarding After-School Programs for Ontario First Nations. Prepared for Chiefs of Ontario.
(2010) Evaluation of the Strategic Community Risk Assessment and Planning for Enhanced Tuberculosis Programming. Prepared for First Nations Inuit Health Branch, Health Canada.
(2010) Prescription Drug Abuse Strategy, “Take a Stand” Report of the Advisory Panel. Prepared for Chiefs of Ontario.
(2010) Feasibility Study for Na-Me-Res with regard to services for Aboriginal People who are Substance Users and Homeless. Prepared for Executive Director NMR.
(2010) Formative Evaluation of the First Nation Public Health Pilot Projects. Assembly of First Nations and First Nations Inuit Health Branch, Health Canada.
(2009) Ontario Region First Nations Addictions Service Needs Assessment. Prepared for Chiefs of Ontario.
(2008) A Nation-wide Comparative Analysis of Urban Aboriginal Health Centres. Prepared for Wabano Centre for Aboriginal Health.
Conference Presentations
I present at least monthly in various settings and facilitate regularly. This section highlights five examples of invited formal presentations.
Presentation of Clinical Mentorship Models Discussion Paper: A Resource for the Development of a Clinical Mentorship Program. Interdisciplinary stakeholder meeting hosted by Nishnawbe Aski Nation Childhood Development and Planning, Toronto, March 12, 2019.
Review of the Health Services Integration Fund, Ontario Region, A Historical Landscape. Advancing HSIF to Meet the Needs of First Nations in Ontario Conference. Toronto, January 31-February 1, 2018.
Minweyaanigoziwin HSIF Project Update. HSIF Showcase. Ottawa Ontario, March 10 & 11, 2015.
Missing/murdered Aboriginal women in Canada: Applying Gender-Based Analysis within a Culturally Relevant Paradigm. Finding Common Ground: Diversity Conference, New Orleans, June 14 and 15, 2006.
- This led to a three year speaking tour in North of Ireland and subsequently an international award for community organizational development.
Additional Qualifications and Credentials
Competent in the use of computer software applications
- Andrea Williams uses the most advanced software and Cloud technologies available. Ms. Williams has advanced computer literacy – not only with word processing, spreadsheets, presentations, email, and project management applications – but also in designing Cloud technologies.
- She has experience developing surveys on Survey Monkey and is adept at using Adobe Professional version to create fillable forms.
- She has extensive experience with video and teleconferencing technology, including join.me meetings where screens are shared.
- She received advanced training and certification in Predictive Analytics Software (formerly known as SPSS).
- Williams possesses digital media skills, including comfort working with uploading content management to webpages and you-tube pages as well as other social media platforms.
As identified above, Ms. Williams is a Status Indian, member of Sandy Lake First Nation, bundle carrier and holder of Indigenous Knowledge. Traditional teachers from the age of 17 years include Peter O’Chiese, Ernie Benedict, Fred Wheatley, Tom Fiddler, Jim Windigo, Jan Longboat, Edna Manitowabi, Josephine Mandamin, Maria Seymour, Shirley I. Williams, and Basil Greene to name a few.
Professional Qualifications/ Organizational Memberships
- Member of Canadian Evaluation Society
- Member of Canadian Public Health Association
- SPSS Statistical Analysis – Advanced certification
[1] Please note that Native Studies is the former name of the department now known as the Chanie Wenjack School for Indigenous Studies.